[Technical SEO Mastery] – The Secret to Ranking Success

Technical SEO

Having a beautiful website and an outstanding content alone is not enough to make your website successful in the digital age. To attain high rankings on search result pages and obtain broader audience’s attention, it is necessary to construct a solid technological base for your site. This is where the need of being a technical SEO pro comes into play. In terms of code, structure, and SEO-friendliness of your website an audit on technical SEO mainly focuses on optimizing its architecture.

In this article we are going to define what technical SEO is and provide you with instructions on how to do technical SEO audit.

What Is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO entails modifying technical aspects that enhance how well a search engine can rank your site. For improving various factors when performing technical SEO analysis includes checking the page load speed as well as ensuring that search engines can easily navigate through your site and also making sure that search engines can understand what the site is all about.

Why is Technical SEO Important?

The technical SEO aspect is vitally important because it directly affects how your website’s appearance in the results of Google search. If search engines can’t quickly access and be able to comprehend the content of your website regardless of how important the information is, your website won’t show up in results for search. 

In addition, Google has confirmed that factors such as speed of page loading and mobile-friendlyness influence the rankings. The slow loading of pages could cause irritation to users and lead customers to exit your site which in turn sends a signal to Google Google it is concerned that the site might not offer a satisfactory user experience. This may cause a drop in rank.

Key Elements of Technical SEO

Categorizing technical SEO’s most vital aspects can be done under three headings. Each is relevant in the eyes of search engines.

1. Crawlability

    Crawlability essentially means making your site visible to search engines. This is achieved by managing crawl budget wisely, optimizing your website’s JavaScript for better visibility, maintaining inbound links that are high quality, and putting a structure around your site design and handling redirects and server errors promptly.

    2. Performance

      Performance aims at enhancing overall functionality of your website by cleaning up code through taking off any clutter there might be, using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to speed up mobile load times and ensuring that all devices can access your site while offering proper user experience.

      3. Indexation

      Indexation strategies focus on aiding search engines to comprehend your site better. This means developing a solid internal linking framework, creating sitemaps that help search engines navigate through your website and also fixing duplicate content issues, and regularly checking log files to monitor the interactions between search engines and your website.

      Technical SEO for Developers

      How to Perform a Technical SEO Audit?

      The following is a step by step guide to conducting an extensive SEO audit to make sure that your site is properly set up for SEO:

      1. Website Crawling Analysis

      Utilize an application like Screaming Frog SEO Spider Ahrefs, Semrush, SE Ranking or Site Audit to check your site. Check for broken links duplicate content and meta tags that aren’t in place.

      2. Crawling and Indexing Assessment

      Check out Google Search Console to check whether Google search engine is crawling, indexing and crawling the web site properly. Check for issues with crawling, or problems with sitemaps, or other resources that block indexing.

      3. Site Speed Evaluation

      Check how quickly your website loads making use of PageSpeed Insights or a like software. Find areas where you could increase performance of your site.

      4. Mobile-Friendliness Check

      To determine whether your site is mobile-friendly. Make use of Google’s Mobile Friendly test. Be sure that mobile users get seamless experience.

      5. Duplicate Content Examination

      Check for duplicate content on your website with tools like Siteliner as well as Copyscape. The rank of your website on search engines could be affected negatively due to the presence of duplicate material.

      6. Site Structure and Internal Linking Review

      Examine your website’s structure, navigation system, and the ways that your pages are connected. Be sure that your website is simple for users to find the information they’re seeking and for search engines can understand the structure of your site.

      7. Structured Data and Rich Snippets Inspection

      Verify that your site utilizes properly structured data using Google’s Structured data Test Tool along with Schema.org Validator. 

      8. Website Security Check

      Make sure that your site makes use of HTTPS and is protected with the SSL certificate. Make sure that you use security best practices to protect your visitors’ privacy and maintain trust with search engines.

      9. Meta Tag Assessment

      Make sure that each webpage on your site contains distinct and useful title tags and meta description descriptions. These elements aid search engines in understanding the content on your website and invite users to visit your site’s results in search results.

      Once you’ve discovered the best way do an audit of your technical SEO, prioritize the issues that you’ve identified and then begin to make the necessary adjustments and improvements.

      Top Technical SEO Practices

      Utilize these SEO-friendly technical strategies to make your website more noticeable in search results:

      1. Choose One Website Version

      Choose “https://yourwebsite.com” or “https://www.yourwebsite.com” as your permanent address, and use it consistently. If you have two versions, it can cause problems. Switch one version into the other version to prevent problems.

      2. Speed Up Your Website

      Increase the speed at which your website loads by reducing the size of images using the Content Distribution Network (CDN) and removing all unnecessary code that could slow down speeds at which webpages load.

      3. Use Structured Data

      Add an unique code on your site to help Google in understanding your site’s webpages better. This will guarantee that your search results will be more relevant.

      4. Fix Broken Pages

      Pages that are not working on your site affect users and could result in the loss of hyperlinks. Make use of tools to find and then fix the pages that you’ve removed or redirect your older pages to pages that are more relevant.

      5. Optimize for Core Web Vitals

      Google is a measure of how speedy and user-friendly your site is. You should be looking for a speedy loading time (under 2.5 minutes) prompt response to input from users (under 100 milliseconds) and an identical layout for your website.

      6. Multilingual Content

      If your website has multiple languages available Use the hreflang tag to tell Google what version of your site you want to show to visitors from different regions. Include these tags within the code for your website.


      1. What is technical SEO?

        Technical SEO focuses on improving the technical aspect of a site to increase the visibility of search engines and rank.

      2. What is the significance of technical SEO so important?

        The use of technical SEO makes crawlers index, crawl and understand your website better, resulting in improved organic traffic as well as higher ranking.

      3. What can I do to increase my website’s SEO technical performance?

        You may boost the technical SEO of your site by repairing broken links, enhancing website speed, implementing structured data markup and making sure your site is mobile-friendly.


      Knowing the fundamentals of SEO is vital for not only achieving higher rankings in search engines but also delivering the most enjoyable quality user experiences. If you stick to the most effective practices, you’ll be able to create a strong web-based foundation. It is crucial to be aware that the internet environment is constantly evolving and constant attention and adaptability are crucial. If you’re keen to learn the basics of SEO it is advised to enroll in our most popular Postgraduate program in Digital Marketing today!


      I am Ray Jones Digital
      My current occupations: a Digital Marketer, Local SEO expert, Link Builder, and WordPress SEO specialist. Shopify SEO, Ecommerce Store Management, and HTML & WordPress Developer I have been practicing the above mentioned services for more than 10 years now As an SEO expert working with your ongoing projects.