[Latest News] Google Stop Indexing Non Mobile Sites

Google Stop Indexing Non Mobile Sites

Google’s mobile-first indexing program started seven and one-half years ago and will be fully operational on July 5th 2024.

John Mueller from Google declared that following this date, all websites still crawled using desktop Googlebot will be switched over to mobile Googlebot. The majority of websites are currently crawled in this manner however there will be no changes to these sites. However, websites that aren’t accessible through mobile devices will not be listed or indexed by Google.

Why Mobile Friendliness Matters

Since the majority of web traffic coming via mobile devices, it’s essential for websites to offer seamless experience to mobile devices. Google will urge webmasters to prioritize mobile optimization in order to ensure that their users are able to access quality and user-friendly sites on their smartphones.

Inability to be compatible with the latest version of HTML0 could result in grave negative consequences. Websites that are not mobile-friendly will be excluded from the indexing process of Google and removed from results for searches. This could greatly impact the optimization of search engines and traffic, as well as online presence and even the revenue.

Key Points

  • Mobile accessibility requirement Websites have to be mobile-friendly devices to be indexable by Google.

  • Desktop templates Websites that use desktop-only templates are ok so long as they are able to work on mobile devices.

  • continued desktop crawling: Google will still utilize Googlebot Desktop Crawler Googlebot Desktop crawler for specific goals, like product listings and Google for Jobs and so it could remain in logs of servers and report tools.


For the majority of owners of websites this change will not be a concern. However, starting on the 5th of July in 2024 when a website does not render on smartphones, the site won’t get crawled, or even indexed by Google. SEO professionals must ensure that their sites can be accessed on mobile devices and make use of Google’s Google Search Console URL Inspection tool to confirm the that the site is running.


I am Ray Jones Digital
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