Surviving Google’s March Core Update 2024

Google’s March Core Update 2024

Google’s algorithm updates could alter the search engine’s perception of your website. On March 20, 2024 Google released one of the most important algorithm updates to date, offering plenty of people something to think about. This impacts the accuracy of what people come across online, so Google needed to intervene and tidy up. We’ll provide additional details on this Google’s March Core Update 2024.

Google updates are not new

Updates to algorithms aren’t new. Updates are part Google’s continuous efforts to improve the user experience. Google strives to discover ways to promote top-quality, relevant and reliable content. However this March Google core update is a standout. This is due to the fact that it addresses directly the flood of AI content that is flooding Google’s search results.

Generative AI in search is now accessible to everyone. In the result, the internet has witnessed an explosion of content that does not have the quality and precision of real human beings. Although Google recognizes that the use of AI to create content is not a crime but it does consider and reward quality.

Understanding Google algorithm changes

The Google algorithm is basically a set of rules that rank websites in results from searches. Like many things the rules don’t stay static. They change frequently to accommodate new technologies and user habits.This causes Google to change its algorithm. This can help users locate the most relevant and quality content.

Why do algorithm updates happen?

Google’s goal is to manage the world’s data and make it accessible to everyone and valuable. To accomplish that, Google must continuously adjust its algorithms to comprehend and categorize information. Updates may focus on specific issues, for instance decreasing spam. Others are geared towards promoting experts’ content on medical search. For instance this year’s “Medic” update focused on medical and health websites. The goal was to discover more credible content in areas that matter the most.

User experience and quality of content

In the past, Google has increasingly prioritized the quality of content and user experience. Google algorithm updates like “Panda” (2011) and “Penguin” (2012) were early examples, penalizing poor quality content as well as manipulative link practices. In the present, we are seeing updates that are focused on the user interaction (Core Web Vitals) and the usefulness of the content (Helpful Content Update). This all shows that Google is advancing towards metrics that focus on users.

It can be extremely insightful to know about Google’s algorithmic updates. These insights can help you to align your strategy for content. It’s all about understanding the necessity for quality content and user satisfaction. To be successful, you need to produce content that is relevant and is in line with the intent of the user. 

Why the Google’s March Core Update?

Everyone has noticed the rise in content created by the generative AI. This breakthrough in technology has made it easier to create content on a large size. The March 2024 update to the core algorithm is a move by Google to fix this issue. The company hopes that its users will find once more valuable and reliable content.

In this new update Google is aiming to decrease the volume of search results that are spammy by more than 40 percent:

We believe that these changes will decrease the amount of unoriginal content available on Search and will direct more visitors to quality and useful websites. Based on our analysis we anticipate these updates and our prior efforts will result in a reduction of the amount of low-quality, non-original content appearing on search results by up to 40 percent.

The problem of content that isn’t high-quality

The problem with AI-generated material isn’t in the usage of AI however the content’s quality. the content. Before March 2024, the results for search results began to show information that was of no benefit to people looking for answers or information. This is a poor user experience, and hinders quality, well-crafted, human-created content to be seen with the respect it deserves.

This is particularly true of what Google refers to as massive content abuse:

“Scaled content abuse” is the term used to describe when a lot of pages are created to serve the goal of manipulating rankings and not aiding users. This type of practice is generally concentrated on the creation of large quantities of content that is not original and provides very little or no value for users, regardless of how it’s made.”

Relevance and quality of content

With the Google’s March Core Update, Google wants to highlight the best content. Of course, this update doesn’t punish using AI for content creation. It’s just a way to ensure that content adheres to the same standards of genuine creators. The content generated by AI should be accurate, informative and enjoyable. Additionally, it should provide new perspectives or insight that are beneficial to users.

The March 2024 update is a hit

The process of determining the impact of an Google Core algorithm change is a first step in recovering. This 2024 Google’s March Core Update could cause changes to the performance of your site. This involves carefully looking at the site’s metrics.

Monitor traffic and rankings

A sudden decrease in the traffic volume or decrease in rankings could be frightening. It’s normal for these things to happen, but it is important to stay in a calm state. As you are aware, these changes could indicate that the update affected your website. Utilize analytics tools to track the traffic patterns of your website. Be on the lookout for sudden changes that are in line with the time of Google’s announcement changes.

Analyzing different traffic sources

It is crucial to distinguish the organic, referral as well as direct and referral traffic. A decrease in organic search traffic indicates your site’s presence on SERPs could be declining. It could be due to the most recent algorithm update. However changes in referrals or direct traffic could be a sign of other influences that aren’t related to the latest algorithm update.

Use Google Search Console

Utilize Google Search Console to analyze your website’s performance on the SERPs of Google. When you update your site, look for any warnings or notifications which could be a sign of particular problems Google has discovered in your site.

In GSC Look out for abrupt and unexpected loss that is unexpected and sudden. Click-throughs and impressions lost will be the primary factors to look for. If you notice a decrease in impressions, attempt to determine the exact pages and queries affected. Did all pages get targeted? Just certain queries? Pages? Check whether the date on which the updates correspond to those of changes. This information can help you determine what aspects of your site were the most affected.

Examining the effects of a major update

After you’ve found clues Next step is looking deeper. This is all about identifying the elements that have been affected and figuring out what caused the issue.

Updates to traffic patterns are aligned with updates timetables

Begin by comparing the traffic and ranking changes to the date of rollout for the update. the Search Central Blog of Google and the X account are trustworthy sources for timelines and announcements. The plotting of your data on traffic against these dates will help you determine if these changes correspond with changes.

Also, be sure to check that nothing else could have occurred on your site that may have contributed to the loss of traffic. Remove all other possible causes to ensure you’ve solved the correct problem. It’s crucial to attribute any shifts of performance on the upgrade rather than other factors like seasonal patterns or site-wide changes.

Dive into Google Search Console data

Google Search Console provides a wealth of information to assist you in your work. Make sure you look at the report on performance. The report gives insight on impressions, CTR as well as rankings of your website and the queries you have. A decrease in impressions may cause your site to appear less often when you search, which could be due to the change. Google offers an informative guide for finding out the cause of the drop in traffic to search to help you start.

Identifying technical shortcomings and content

Once you have identified the issue determine if they are connected to content quality and relevancy to technical SEO or both. In the case of content, take into consideration factors such as originality, depth and engagement with users. Does the content offer something unique that is different from other content available?

Check the details of your website in a holistic manner. Review the structure of your website as well as internal linking mobile performance, page speed, as well as the Core Web Vitals for technical aspects. The Google’s PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse are excellent tools for this analysis.

Recovering from Google’s March core update

After determining the way in which the update affected your website, the focus is now on recovery. Recovery involves the evaluation of content quality and SEO technical aspects, based on the specifics of the problem. Here’s how to tackle recovering, making sure your website is more in line with Google’s guidelines.

Enhancing content quality

If the loss of traffic results from a decrease in ranking for queries that you were previously ranked well for, it is likely something wrong in your website’s content. Begin by examining your content’s rankings for the terms you are currently ranking for. Seek out clues about the reasons why this content is superior to yours and modify your content to reflect that. Make your content more appealing to the person who is reading it.

Best techniques to be followed for updates in the future

Most of the time, Google algorithm updates don’t harm sites that adhere to rules and behave in a manner that is friendly. Yet, the latest main update reminds us to make an effort to improve our sites wherever they are able. If you look ahead there are some guidelines you can use to be prepared for the effects of any the next updates.

Always review and improve the quality of the quality of content

Your site’s quality content is never guaranteed. Always review the content on your website. It must be always relevant as well as accurate and useful to the people who visit your site. Always work on it by updating your statistics and references that are outdated, and incorporating new information to keep your content interesting. Take feedback from users as an opportunity to improve your content’s quality and scope.

Diversify your sources of traffic

Beware of relying only on organic search results. Find other options by diversifying your sources of traffic via social media and marketing via email. This keeps your traffic stable and lets you connect with new audiences.


  1. How will the March Core Update 2024 impact my website’s ranking?

    The impact of the March Core Update 2024 on your website’s ranking can vary, but it could lead to changes in search visibility and traffic.

  2. Is there a way to prepare for Google’s March Core Update 2024?

    While you cannot predict exactly how your website will be affected, focusing on SEO best practices like quality content, backlink building, and site speed can help mitigate negative impacts

  3. Will all websites be affected by Google’s March Core Update 2024?

    Not necessarily. Some websites may see significant changes in rankings while others may experience minimal impact or even improvements.


Quality, adaptability and focus on users are the key ingredients to be successful. It’s a difficult task to get back on track when an algorithm update has impacted your site. The entire process can provide important lessons for improving your website. Furthermore, you may uncover new potential growth opportunities.

Google’s algorithms will continue change. The March 2024 update is designed to tackle poor quality content. It demonstrates a shift toward an era that will hopefully value authentic, informative and user-friendly content.


I am Ray Jones Digital
My current occupations: a Digital Marketer, Local SEO expert, Link Builder, and WordPress SEO specialist. Shopify SEO, Ecommerce Store Management, and HTML & WordPress Developer I have been practicing the above mentioned services for more than 10 years now As an SEO expert working with your ongoing projects.